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Page history last edited by gabella 3 years, 6 months ago Saved with comment

Vanderbilt Astronomy Wiki


This is the collaboration Wiki for the Astronomy program of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Vanderbilt University.  This wiki is a space for open-ended collaboration among the Vanderbilt astronomy community.  New users can check out some basic information on the New Users Page.


We now have a  number of separate resources on this website.  If you have any additional ideas for using this site, you can post them to the comments section of this page.


Also please update and edit pages, though do so responsibly.  Also check out the ongoing Style Guide for this wiki.




Research Groups in the Vanderbilt Astro Program.


Astro Organization, as in the Astro Pizza, Astro Journal Club, and Friday's Vino, among others.


Topics that cross groups:

Numerical Relativity




Original pages and front page wiki.  These will be edited/moved/deleted, as seems appropriate:





Comments (6)

k.holley@vanderbilt.edu said

at 3:16 pm on Dec 11, 2008

Hello astroworld. Thanks for setting this up, Josh!

Keivan Stassun said

at 5:01 pm on Dec 11, 2008

make it so

Andreas Berlind said

at 12:57 am on Dec 12, 2008

Thanks Josh

Joshua Pepper said

at 4:59 pm on Feb 21, 2011

I decide to make the Vanderbilt wiki a slight bit more festive with the new color scheme. What do people think?

brittany kamai said

at 7:23 pm on Feb 21, 2011

I think it is fun. A nice change here and there is always great.

gabella said

at 11:26 am on Jan 9, 2020

About to start on a major re-write / update to our Astro PBWorks. Gabella did save a zip file of the site, but if you have favorite documents and sections please save them and let Gabella know (b.gabella@vanderbilt.edu).

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