
Astronomy Journal Club OLD (redirected from Astronomy Journal Club)

Page history last edited by Qingqing Mao 10 years, 5 months ago

This page will serve as a repository for all ajc talks.

The official ajc website, with current schedule and notes, is here.


Instructions for posting your talk:

  1. Save talk as a .pdf file.
  2. Go to the Pages & Files tab in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Click on the AJC folder.  You are now in the ajc 'directory'.
  4. Click 'upload file' and proceed as necessary.





Archived AJC Talks:


Exploring Big Bangs: Toward Understanding Supernove

Erika Grundstrom 


Active Galactic Nuclei and How Galaxies Evolve

Andreas Berlind


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