The AstroStats Club is a 30 minute weekly seminar devoted to understanding how to use statistics to analyze data. It has been my experience that although statistical data analysis is central to our current and future careers, there are very few opportunities to learn the latest and greatest statistical techniques. We meet at 1pm on Fridays in Stevenson Center 6333.
Text book:
Data Analysis: A Bayesian Tutorial by D. S. Sivia, Second Edition (http://books.google.com/books?id=zN-yliq6eZ4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=sivia&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3QmCT8mHKYPeiAKM7ujAAw&ved=0CDIQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=sivia&f=false).
The book is available as an ebook through the Vanderbilt Library http://acorn.library.vanderbilt.edu/uhtbin/cgisirsi/?ps=o66nBm2oNO/CENTRAL/314400189/2/1000
Reading and Homework:
There is a series of 6 homework assignments that correspond to chapters in Data Analysis. These homeworks come from Dr. John Johnson's AstroStats course at CALTECH. I will post the reading and homework assignments here each week. The homework is optional, but highly recommended. I think the need for practical application of these sorts of tools is essential for actually learning the material.
* Note: You will need the secret login to access these files.
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